Protologue Description: C. Egglestoni. Leaves oval or on leading shoots often nearly orbicular, acute, rounded or cuneate at the broad base, slightly divided above the middle into numerous short acute lobes, coarsely doubly serrate with glandular teeth, dark yellow-green and roughened above with short persistent pale hairs, pale and glabrous below, about 2 in. long and 1½ to 2 in. wide, with slender midribs and primary veins only slightly impressed above; petioles slender, deeply grooved, glandular with small scattered dark glands, more or less winged at apex, reddish brown toward the base ÿ in. long and 5/8 in. in diameter, in crowded compound many-flowered cymes, the slender branches and petioles covered with scattered long white soft deciduous hairs; calyx-tube obconic, glabrous, the lobes narrow, acute, glandular-serrate with minute dark red glands, villose on the upper surface, reflexed after anthesis; stamens usually 5, occasionally 7 or 8; filaments slender elongated; anthers small, pale rose-color; styles 2 or 3. Fruit pendant in many-fruited clusters, oblong, full and rounded at the ends, orange-color at first when fully grown at maturity bright crimson, lustrous, marked with occasional large pale dots, ½ in. long; clayx cavity deep and narrow the lobes entire or slightly dentate above the middle, appressed; flesh thick, yellow, sweet, dry and mealy; nutlets 2 or 3, more or less prominantly ridged on back, ¼ in. long.
A many-stemmed much-branched shrub occasionally fifteen feet in height, with slender somewhat zigzag lustrous branchlets marked with large pale oblong lenticels, orange green during their first seaon, pale orange-color during their second year, and finally dark red-brown, and armed with numerous straight lustrous spines usually ½ in. in length.
Flowers during the first week in June. Fruit ripens late in September and hangs on the branches until long after the leaves have fallen.
VERMONT, open grassy slopes of Bald Mountain, Shrewsbury, W.W. Eggleston, October, 1899, Eggleston & Sargent, June 1900, Brainerd & Sargent, September, 1900 St. Albans, E. Brainerd, September, 1900.

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